The fantastic Madison-based label Mine All Mine Records, in collaboration with Grimmusik, is releasing a compilation this week of ambient and experimental music. I've contributed a track, and it's an honor to be included. The release features tracks from many stellar musicians, including Thollem McDonas,CJ Boyd, Brothers Grimm,Pat Reinholz, and many, many more. The album will be streamed live TOMORROW at MIDNIGHT on Gross Time. There's an album release show on Friday night in Madison, that's going to be amazing. In other news, Kirsten Carey has released the second of the four videos we shot from her Ulysses Project last month. We spent three days in the studio this past weekend recording the entire album, and I'm excited to say that it's going to be totally kickass. If you haven't yet donated to her Kickstarter to ensure completion of the album and reserve your copy, DO IT!!!!
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September 2016